Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Plasticity - 100 years of making plastics @ The Science Museum

I love a good biro (or pen), and I think quite a few of my students can back me up on this statement.  There has been numerous occasions where I've found myself borrowing a pen in a tutorial and getting all giddy with excitement because it's such a dream to write with.  Perhaps I shouldn't express my geeky pleasures quite so openly, but a good pen does make a world of difference!

Volivic Bic Biro Chandelier

Ever since I was introduced to digital printing in a surface pattern sense I have turned into a bit of a technology geek, well actually I think I've always been into technology as I do recall being ridiculed by my friends for being the first person in my sixth form college with a mobile phone...who's laughing now?...well probably Steve Jobbs as most of us including me have all been suckered into contracting ourselves to a minimum 18/24month iphone contract, and I have already managed to crack my third iphone screen in just over a year...damn you flimsy 3GS, only a few months until I can upgrade to the 4!  Anyway I do get excited by technology and it does excite me somewhat more than biros and pens.  It's the excitement of what it can do for us, if of course it is used responsibly.  The Fad Home Printer allows an individual to print an object, which basically means that I can potentially print out the pen that I like when I need it...heaven!!!

Fab Home Printer and Torch