The former Holy Trinity Church is a beautiful space and perfect for this exhibition which has a strong theme of death that runs throughout. Particular highlights of the show were, Polly Morgan's Departures piece featured in the centre of the image above. Hilary Berseth's Hive piece an amazing sculpture made from honeycomb. And Alastair Mackie's sphere made from mouse skulls.
"Over a year in planning and production, The Age of the Marvellous (14th - 22nd October) was inspired by the
Wunderkammer or Cabinet of Curiosities, popular in the late Renaissance through the Baroque period (ca. 1550–
ca. 1700). An era characterized by a revival of learning, the sum of all of man’s knowledge could be represented in
rooms filled with natural wonders, artificial exotica and relics or art works concerned with the supernatural.
The Wunderkammer ‘s particular ability to evoke the marvellous, to incite the emotions of awe, wonder, surprise
and astonishment leading to curiosity and then learning was based on its ability to draw parallels and unify
seemingly unrelated fields of human knowledge like Science and Art. The brilliant evolutionary biologist E.O.
Wilson considered the unification of knowledge – or what he labeled ‘Consilience’ in his eponymous book
published in 1998 - nothing short of imperative for the survival of the human species.
Wunderkammer or Cabinet of Curiosities, popular in the late Renaissance through the Baroque period (ca. 1550–
ca. 1700). An era characterized by a revival of learning, the sum of all of man’s knowledge could be represented in
rooms filled with natural wonders, artificial exotica and relics or art works concerned with the supernatural.
The Wunderkammer ‘s particular ability to evoke the marvellous, to incite the emotions of awe, wonder, surprise
and astonishment leading to curiosity and then learning was based on its ability to draw parallels and unify
seemingly unrelated fields of human knowledge like Science and Art. The brilliant evolutionary biologist E.O.
Wilson considered the unification of knowledge – or what he labeled ‘Consilience’ in his eponymous book
published in 1998 - nothing short of imperative for the survival of the human species.
The Age of the Marvellous features over 60 works of art, most of them especially produced for the exhibition, that
display a new-found tendency for contemporary artists to look beyond the limitations of aesthetic conventions, to
a varied, more cross-disciplinary approach that integrates areas of human knowledge that exist outside the
boundaries of traditional art making.
Conceived and curated by All Visual Arts Director Joe La Placa, The Age of the Marvellous is the arts organization’s third major exhibition since it was launched in 2008." www.allvisualarts.org
display a new-found tendency for contemporary artists to look beyond the limitations of aesthetic conventions, to
a varied, more cross-disciplinary approach that integrates areas of human knowledge that exist outside the
boundaries of traditional art making.
Conceived and curated by All Visual Arts Director Joe La Placa, The Age of the Marvellous is the arts organization’s third major exhibition since it was launched in 2008." www.allvisualarts.org